
in Mississauga

Acupuncture in Mississauga

Mississauga acupuncture is a treatment that stimulates the nerve receptors that lie within the skin and muscles. The primary goal of acupuncture is to rehabilitate and restore energy throughout the body. This treatment also improves the function of the body as well as promotes a self-healing environment. Acupuncture originated from traditional Chinese medicine practices as they took on a holistic approach. This meant that they considered the body as a whole; in which the mind, body and spirit were all interconnected. It is connected to the belief of yin and yang, which in the medical world demonstrates that the physical and mental qualities are interconnected. This meant that the energy in the body had to be correct and wholesome for the rest of the body to thrive.

The Health First Group Acupuncture clinic and center is one of the best and multi-specialty acupuncture clinics located in Mississauga and Etobicoke. Acupuncture is a safe and lightweight treatment that is done by stimulating nerve receptors within the skin and muscles. This acupuncture treatment is initiated to promote wellness whilst relieving bodily pain. The Health First Group, acupuncture clinic and center is the best place for you to receive treatment. Book an acupuncture treatment with one of our registered acupuncturists in Mississauga and Etobicoke, Ontario today!

Providing the best Acupuncture treatment for you is an integral part of The Health First Group. It is often used to complement physiotherapy or massage therapy. Acupuncture encourages natural healing, reduces chronic back pain, and improves the homeostasis of the body. It is also beneficial to those who those who suffer with headaches, hypertension and nausea. However, it promotes an improved blood circulation and minimizes post-injury swelling.

The goal of medical acupuncture treatment is to positively stimulate and improve the body’s functions. This is done through the activating the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms. It is a process, which stimulates the acupuncture points by inserting delicate and sterile needles into the skin. This allows for healing and is often done with pressure, heat and electrical stimulation.

History shows that acupuncture is an age-old treatment with roots in Southeast Asia and China. With the growing acceptance and knowledge of acupuncture, modern clinical studies have adopted this technique while also studying its positive physiological effects on the body. Acupuncture has been proven to initiate the release of the body’s natural pain management chemicals such as opioid peptides. These chemicals produce an analgesic impact on the body. The activation of the nervous system and certain parts of the brain are involved in the process of secreting these chemicals.

Our Acupuncturists

in Mississauga
Jeffery Liu

Jeffery works at The Health First Group’s Mississauga Heartland and Etobicoke’s Acupuncture Clinics

George Chen

George works at The Health First Group’s Mississauga Heartland Acunpuncture Clinic

Learn about the standards of practice from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario:

Frequently Asked Questions

Acupuncture uses fine needles that are strategically placed in specific points and locations of the body. The sterile needles mildly penetrate into the skin and are generally painless.

However, depending on the issue, some physicians may use electricity and heat on the needles to gain better results. Your acupuncturist may also use a combination of massage and pressure on your acupuncture points. The precise placement of the needles help initiate the release of opioid peptides.

These are chemicals in the body that contribute to natural pain management. Some individuals may require follow-up appointments to maximize effectiveness. Generally, appointments are between 40-60 minutes, but may last longer for more serious problems. Your acupuncturist can help you get the best possible results through acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a delicate method that involves a balance of complicated strategy and preciseness. Its use as an ancient Chinese drug involves the insertion of thread-like needles at specific points on the body. There isn’t any injection of medication; the needles themselves supply the health benefits the patient is seeking.

For Acupuncture to be effective, four things should be considered before the acupuncturist begins treatment:

  1. Verifying the approach to needle optimization in the section being treated.
  2. How to precisely target acupoints for the section being treated by the spinal twine.
  3. In-depth data of classical Chinese acupuncture points involving major nerves and blood vessels, as these areas have a direct or reflex profit for the condition being treated.
  4. Understand how the needles directly have an effect on muscles, joints, ligaments or completely different tissue concerned within the afflicted area.

Pain develops out of an illness or injury that leads to physical suffering, also potentially causing emotional or mental distress. Whether the patient’s suffering is perceived emotionally or is obvious physically, acupuncture will be used to heal both the mind and body.

Acupoints, another term for acupuncture points, are placed along meridians to push sensible energy flow inside the body. Needles are typically placed on the patient’s body for fifteen to thirty minutes and can be altered or moved to control the body’s energy, or Qi (pronounced ‘Chee’).

Acupuncture is normally painless, but patients may experience heaviness or an achy sensation in their body when acupoints are properly determined and used. Acupuncture needles are fine-like hairs, ranging from 13 to 130 millimeters in size, varying in diameter. Depending on the patient’s sensitivity, they can feel a very little pin prick as a result of the needles being inserted inside the skin; others may feel nothing at all.

The purpose of acupuncture is to generate good stimuli to the spinal cord and brain. Therefore, it’s very important the procedure is painless and the patient is not in unnecessary discomfort during the procedure.

Although acupuncture can be beneficial for one’s primary problem, it can also indirectly benefit and resolve other problems. It can help those who suffer with emotional disorders, musculoskeletal problems, digestive issues and more.

Acupuncture may also be considered as part of preventative medicine. This is because it stimulates and promotes the energy flow in the body, therefore can be used to decrease the risk of pain and injury.

Pregnant women may also benefit from acupuncture. This method of treatment can be used to relieve pain that may come with the prenatal stage.

Through continuous medical discovery, acupuncture has been shown to be beneficial in treating many acute and chronic conditions, including:

  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Depression
  • Digestion
  • Hypertension
  • Arthritis
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Body Pain (E.g. Neck, back)
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Post-operative recovery
  • Indigestion
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nausea and Morning sickness
  • Tendonitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Stress and sleep disorders
  • Addictions (E.g. Smoking cessation)
  • Neuralgias
  • Sciatic pain
  • Neck and back pain
  • Facial pain and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)

Acupuncture is a safe technique. Most patients find treatments are relaxing and cause minimal discomfort. Our practitioners are professionally trained and follow appropriate techniques, using single-use, sterile disposable needles, following all precautions and contraindication protocols.

It’s important to inform the practitioner of your medical history, medications and if you’re pregnant or could possibly be pregnant, as acupuncture treatment may have to be modified or may not be appropriate.

Acupuncture is the insertion of needles on specific points on the body which have the ability to stimulate the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain killers. Acupuncture affects the functioning of the hormonal system, decreases inflammation, increases circulation, and relieves pain.

It’s best to eat a snack or a light meal before treatment. If possible, wear loose clothing so your arms and legs are accessible for treatment.

Acupuncture is a drug-free way to optimize health. With drugs, people often develop a tolerance, often needing an increased dosage to achieve the same required effect or having to switch to a different medicine altogether. This does not happen with acupuncture. In addition, acupuncture gives an immediate response to the treatment, allowing the practitioner to make any adjustments if necessary.

Acupuncture treatment does not need a referral from your doctor. However, your health insurance company might require it in order to authorize payment.

Many insurance plans tend to cover acupuncture treatments. Please check with your insurance provider to see what your coverage provides, as this can vary.

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