Osteopathy combines the structure and function of the human body in a manual form of healing. Osteopathy focuses on the body as a whole by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework. Osteopaths not only consider treating drawback space, but use manual techniques to balance all systems of the body, supplying overall health and well-being. Thus, the goal is to have a total effect on the body’s nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems through a holistic approach to health care. Visiting our osteopath in Mississauga Heartland can help decrease your stress and minimize pain through the mobilization of joints, providing tactile pressure and stretching of the soft tissues in the affected areas.
Conditions commonly treated with Osteopathy
- Lower and upper back problems (Sciatica, lumbalgia, discopathy, strains )
- Neck and head problems (Whiplash, cephalalgia, migraine, sinusitis, TMJ)
- Postural problems (Scoliosis, flat back, hypolordosis)
- Digestive problems (Irritable bowel syndrome, gastric reflux despise, constipation, abdominal pain)
- Genito-urinary problems (Kidney infections, incontinence, menstrual problems)
- Myofascila pain syndrome
Osteopathy and Children
The calm and soothing approach of osteopathy makes it particularly suitable for treating children as well as newborn babies. Structural issues, such as those affecting the right mobility and performance of the body’s framework, can lead to a multitude of issues. Those issues may result in conditions such as asthma, scoliosis, cerebral palsy and ear, throat or urinary infections.
Osteopathy will assist with the prevention of health problems, helping youngsters create a smooth transition into a normal, healthy adult life. This holistic approach encompasses all functions and influences the body, emotions, mind and spirit.
Benefits of Osteopathy
- Reduces pain and stiffness in muscles and joints
- Increases range of motions in the joints
- Treats spinal problems resulting from poor posture of spinal disk injuries
- Decreases the stress on the joints
- Reduces tension in the body
- Relieves tension headaches and migraine headaches
- Helps the body to adapt to normal and structural changes during pregnancy
- Treats trauma resulting from accidents (Sport injuries, motor vehicle injuries)
- Increases circulation
- Encourages the body to heal itself
- Removes the underlying cause of pain
Our Osteopaths
in Mississauga
Watch a video from the Canadian Federation of Osteopaths on “What is Osteopathy?”
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Locations
200 Matheson Blvd W #104
Mississauga, Ontario, L5R 3L7
415 The Westway, Unit 12B
Etobicoke, ONtario, M9R 1H5